Monday, October 15, 2007
Five cool future IT positions
TOP 10 Dying Computer Skills
bahasa pemrograman yang satu ini terakhir dikenang waktu era kehebohan Y2K yang dicurigai akan menghancurkan dunia komputer, para programmer cobol dicari untuk menemukan celah y2k bugs hasil karya programmer dari era sebelumnya.
Kini 7 tahun setelah Y2K, para programmer cobol jadi pengangguran bila tidak segera beralih ke bahasa lain. Pihak pendidik seperti Universitas dan lembaga pendidikan pun sudah menghapus total Cobol dari kurikulumnya. How about yours?
2. Non Relational Database Management System
Konsep RDBMS dianggap sebagai pola terbaik untuk menyediakan penyimpanan data. Sehingga menghabisi system database model lama yang tidak menggunakan konsep ini. Beberapa merek lama yang mungkin tidak pernah kita dengarseperti IMS san SAS keluaran IBM memang sudah habis dilibas produk seperti MySQL, Oracle dan MS SQL
3. Non IP Network
System jaringan konsep lama, atau diistilahkan dengan non TCP/IP Network seperti IBM System Network Architecture (SNA) memang masih digunakan oleh beberapa perusahaan lama, tapi jangan harap mereka mau membayar mahal untuk keahlian bidang itu, arsitektur ini tidak lama lagi akan lenyap dari permukaan.
pada tahun 80-an sistem email ini pernah digunakan oleh hampir 20 juta orang,konsepnya adalah Store and Forward dengan komunikasi LAN. Seiring munculnya Lotus Notes dan Exchange dari microsoft maka produk inipun dinyatakan sudah dikubur. Sehingga keahliannya tidak dibutuhkan lagi.
5. Coldfusion
Umurnya boleh dibilang muda, Coldfusion yang dikembangkan oleh Allaire Corp. sebelum diakuisisi Macromedia sempat populer tahun 90-an, namun kini bahasa pemrograman Web ini hancur dilindas bahasa web berbasis Open Source seperti PHP, Ruby on Rail, Java dan bahkan oleh ASP.
6. C Programming
Bahasa C++ dan C# boleh terus berkibar, tapi sang pencetus, yaitu 'C' kini semakin tenggelam. Bahkan kalau anda menemukan programmer yang hanya menguasai bahasa C saja maka ia kemungkinan sedang menganggur atau sedang ikut kursus belajar bahasa lain.
Di tahun 90-an programmer Powerbuilder digaji besar, kini walaupun versi terbarunya masih akan dirilis (versi 11) namun gaji para programmer cuma setara dengan programmer Cobol dan masuk urutan terbawah dari keahlian pemrograman yang tidak laku di perusahaan.
8.Netware Engineer
Ketika Novell Netware menguasai pasar hampir 90% pasar server dunia, sertifikasi Novel Netware dihargai selangit oleh perusahaan, kini dengan makin jatuhnya Novell sebagai pengguna server maka para ahli netware novell juga semakin tidak dibutuhkan.
9. PC Network Administrator
Berkembangnya penggunaan jarngan model server dan bahkan thin client konsep membuat ahli administrasi jaringan PC semakin kurang laku di pasaran.
10. OS/2
System operasi OS/2 yang sempat populer seangkatan microsoft kini mulai habis ditelan masa, bahkan IBM menghentikan penjualannya ditahun 2005.
Nah bagi yang merasa sedang mempelajari salah satu dari keahlian diatas, segera berhenti dan mencari keahlian yang lebih dibutuhkan dunia Industri.
Sumber computerworld
12 Keahlian IT Paling Diinginkan Perusahaan Hari Ini
1. Machine Learning
Dengan semakin banyaknya kebutuhan akan software yang digunakan pada sejumlah besar data, maka para pengamat juga melihat adanya peningkatan kebutuhan akan orang yang memiliki keahlian untuk merancang dan mengembangkan algoritma dan tehnik untuk meningkatkan performa komputer. "Ini bukan hanya untuk kasus Google saja," kata Kevin Scott, senior manager engineering di Google. "Banyak sekali aplikasi yang memiliki data yang sangat besar, sehingga sangatlah penting tentang bagaimana cara anda mengorganisir data-data tersebut dan mempresentasikannya ke pengguna dan perusahaan-perusaha
2. Membuat Aplikasi
Dengan semakin besarnya peran alat-alat seperti BlackBerry dan Treos dalam bisnis, maka perusahaan akan membutuhkan orang-orang yang memiliki keahlian dalam mengkonversi aplikasi seperti ERP, procurement dan expense approval agar dapat dipakai di alat-alat portabel. "Mereka membutuhkan orang yang dapat menerapkan aplikasi pada alat mobile," kata Sean Ebner, VP dari divisi professional services di Spherion Pacific
3. Keamanan Jaringan Nirkabel
Teknologi nirkabel seperti Wi-Fi, WiMax dan Bluetooth yang berkembang dengan pesat menimbulkan suatu kekhawatiran lain yaitu bagaimana cara mengamankan transmisi nirkabel dan inilah keahlian yang juga dicari perusahaan IT. "Jika saya ingin memperkerjakan seorang spesialis nirkabel, maka saya menginginkan seseorang yang juga mengerti tentang implikasi keamanannya dan cara mengendalikannya," kata Howard Schmidt, presiden dari Information Systems Security Association. "Anda harus menjadi seorang network administrator dengan spesialisasi nirkabel untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara kerja nirkabel pada jaringan."
4. Interface komputer dengan pengguna
Bidang lain yang kebutuhan SDMnya sedang berkembang adalah interaksi antara komputer dengan pengguna atau user interface design, yaitu merancang interface pengguna untuk aplikasi desktop atau web. Berkat perusahaan seperti Apple Inc., konsumen mulai mendapatkan produk yang didesain dengan sangat baik, dan seharusnya mereka mengharapkan kualitas seperti itu untuk setiap software yang mereka gunakan, kata Kevin Scott.
5. Manajemen Proyek
Project manager selalu dicari dimana-mana, tetapi yang akan benar-benar dibutuhkan adalah mereka yang memiliki keahlian manajemen yang sebenarnya. Grant Gordon, managing director dari Intronic Solutions Group berkata "Perusahaan mencari orang yang dapat mengatur kelompok dan membuat mewujudkan siklus proyek yang baik dan benar-benar me-manage proyek." Gordon menyaring kandidatnya dengan memberikan kasus dimana terjadi konflik tanggung jawab dalam sebuah tim. "Ketika seseorang dihadapkan pada kasus dimana suatu konflik harus ditangani, maka anda akan melihat apakah mereka benar-benar tahu apa yang mereka lakukan," katanya.
6. Pengetahuan Jaringan
Dibidang IT apapun anda bekerja, anda tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari jaringan, oleh karena itu pengertian dasar tentang konsep jaringan menjadi sangat penting untuk para profesional IT non-jaringan seperti software engineer misalnya. Setidaknya mereka harus menguasai dasar networking seperti TCP/IP, Ethernet dan fiber optic serta memiliki pengetahuan tentang cara kerja komputer jaringan dan distribusinya.
7. Teknisi Spesialis Jaringan
Semakin banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan voice over IP, maka semakin tinggi pula kebutuhan akan network administrator yang memahami semua jenis jaringan seperti LAN, WAN, suara dan internet serta bagaimana cara menyatukan mereka semua.
8. Open Source Programming
Orang-orang dengan pengalaman dalam Linux, Apache, MySQL dan PHP (yang disingkat menjadi LAMP) akan banyak dicari oleh berbagai perusahaan. Scott Saunders, dekan DeVry University di California Selatan yang bertanggung jawab untuk career services, melihat bahwa trend ini sedang terjadi. "Ketidakpuasan konsumen dan kekhawatiran akan keamanan adalah dua hal yang mengendalikan fenomena ini, terutanma dalam hal database dan OS," katanya.
9. Sistem Business Intelligence (BI)
Momentum untuk sistem-sistem yang bergerak dalam bidang BI terus bertambah dan memberikan kesempatan besar bagi individual-individu
10. Pengetahuan tentang Keamanan
Beberapa tahun terakhir memang banyak lowongan untuk security professional, tetapi mulai terlihat kecenderungan pada beberapa perusahaan yang mengharapkan keahlian atau sertifikasi dalam bidang keamanan terlampir pada CV pelamar yang bahkan tidak melamar untuk posisi security. Apakah orang tersebut nantinya akan menjalankan server e-mail atau mengembangkan software, ia tetap diharapkan untuk dapat menciptakan lingkungan cyber yang aman, oleh karena itu dasa-dasar tentang keamanan menjadi salah satu kualifikasinya. "Kekhawatiran perusahaan dalam melindungi aset mereka dari kejahatan cyber dan ancaman internal telah semakin meningkat," kata Saunders.
11. Integrasi Teknolgi Digital untuk Rumahan
Pada zaman teknologi digital seperti sekarang, orang-orang dapat menyulap rumah mereka menjadi surga hi-tech, tetapi siapa yang akan memasang, mengatur dan memperbaiki sistem audio video mereka ketika terjadi kerusakan?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu CompTIA, bekerjasama dengan Consumer Electronic Association, telah mengembangkan sebuah sertifikasi yang dinamakan Digital Home Technology Integrator. "Ini adalah pasar yang memiliki prospek sangat baik," kata
12. Tidak cukup dengan hanya Net, C #, C ++, Java
Memang proyek IT menggunakan berbagai aplikasi dan bahasa pemrograman seperti ASP.Net,, XML, PHP, Java, C#, and C++, tetapi yang diinginkan semua perusahaan bukanlah seseorang yang terpaku hanya pada komputernya dan tidak menjadi bagian dari tim. Mereka menginginkan seorang ahli yang mungkin juga bisa menjadi pemimpin tim atau koordinator proyek.
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Nama Barang | Satuan | Harga (Rp.) |
Tenda | ||
Tenda VIP (Tenda Hias/Dekor) | m2 | 40.000 |
Tenda Semi VIP | m2 | 17.500 |
Tenda Plafon | m2 | 10.000 |
Tenda Lengkung | m2 | 12.500 |
Tenda Sarnavil / Tenda Kerucut | 5 x 5 m | 750.000 |
Tenda Sarnavil / Tenda Kerucut | 3 x 3 m | 600.000 |
Dekorasi Atap Ruangan | m2 | 25.000 |
Meja | ||
Meja VIP Ukir | unit | 100.000 |
Meja Akad Kayu Jati + Kursi | set | 400.000 |
Meja Akad Lesehan | unit | 150.000 |
Meja 60 x 80 cm + skirting | unit | 30.000 |
Meja 80 x 120 cm + skirting | unit | 45.000 |
Meja Betawi | unit | 50.000 |
Meja Bulat d.1,2 m + skirting | unit | 50.000 |
Meja Bulat d.1,6 m + skirting | unit | 85.000 |
Meja Prasmanan Gubukan | unit | 70.000 |
Taplak Meja Persegi (150x150 cm) | unit | 10.000 |
Taplak meja Bulat (150x150 cm) | unit | 25.000 |
Kursi | ||
Kursi Futura | unit | 7.500 |
Kursi Futura + Cover + Pita | unit | 12.500 |
Kursi VIP Ukir | unit | 100.000 |
Kursi VIP Betawi | unit | 75.000 |
Kursi Lipat Chitose | unit | 2.500 |
Panggung | ||
Panggung (tinggi <> | m2 | 50.000 |
Panggung (tinggi 1,0 - 1,7 m) | m2 | 65.000 |
Panggung Modul | m2 | 75.000 |
Alas Papan | m2 | 25.000 |
Karpet | m2 | 10.000 |
Elektronik | ||
Sound System Set | / 1000 watt | 750.000 |
Wireless Microphone | set | 350.000 |
Lampu TL 40 watt | unit | 50.000 |
Standing Blower 18" Stainless Steel | unit | 60.000 |
AC | / PK | 150.000 |
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2. Harga mulai berlaku Januari 2007, hubungi kami untuk kepastian harga.
3. Pemesanan minimal 2 minggu sebelumnya.
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Contact Person:
- Tomy (021 - 700 99 370 ; hp. 0815 9394 878)
- Iman (021 - 980 77 072 ; hp. 0856 118 0449)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
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Your Speed: 440.2 Kb/s
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28.8 kbps dial up
33.6 kbps dial up
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384 kbps DSL
440.2 Kb/s kbps YOU
1000 kbps DSL
1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem
Estimated Line Type: 1.5M ADSL
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Time to load an average web page: ~2.14 s
Time to download 10MB file: ~164 s
Saturday, October 13, 2007
University Web on Indonesia (Goverment owner)
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AM Fatwa Nilai Malaysia Tidak Etis Manfaatkan Lagu "Rasa Sayange"
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Indonesian Embassies
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The Presidential Palace Jakarta
The Jakarta Presidential Palace consists of two palace buildings: the Independence Palace, which faces the Monas; and the State Palace, which lies across the Ciliwung River on Veteran Street. The grounds of the Jakarta Presidential Palace also comprise other buildings: the Presidential Office, the State Residence, the Baiturrahman Mosque, and the Museum of the Presidential Palace. Located on a setting of large, old, and leafy trees with dangling roots, and carpet-like, lush, green lawn, the Jakarta Presidential Palace exudes an air of dignity and serenity.The function of the Jakarta Presidential Palace is more focused towards serving as the venue for official presidential activities. In addition to serving as the office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the palace is also used as the center of governmental activities, the venue for holding state ceremonies, inaugurating high-ranking state officials, (inaugurating cadet officers of the Indonesian National Army (TNI),) hosting state guests, inaugurating Indonesian Ambassadors, receiving the Letters of Credence from Ambassadors of friendly countries, inaugurating national deliberations and working meetings, inaugurating national and international conferences, and also serve as the venue for commemorating the Independence Day on every seventeenth of August.
The State Palace.
This palace bore witness to many historical events, to name but a few, the presentation by General de Kock to Governor General Baron van der Capellen of the plan to crush the rebellion of Pangeran Diponegoro and of the strategy to confront Tuanku Imam Bonjol, as well as the introduction by Governor General Johannes van den Bosch of the forced cultivation system (cultuurstelsel, in Dutch). Following the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, this building was also the venue for the signing of the Linggardjati Agreement, on 25 March 1947, between Indonesia, represented by Mr. Sutan Sjahrir, and the Netherlands, represented by Dr. Van Mook.
Palace of Independence
The Merdeka Palace, which was built in 1879, is also place to many extraordinary events in the course of the Indonesian government, hence this palace has many special meaning for Indonesian people. One of them is the history of its name, which use the word ‘merdeka’ (freedom). The word ‘freedom’ is like a glowing hope as a sign of a released from colonization and become a sovereign nation.On 27 December 1949, in Merdeka Palace had took place the recognition of ‘RIS’ (Republik Indonesia Serikat) sovereignity by the Dutch Government through a series of formal ceremony that being held at the same time, both in Holland (Amsterdam at 10 am local time) and in Indonesia (Jakarta and Yogyakarta at 4 pm local time). On that day in many places of the country, hundred thousands radios waited for broadcast from Jakarta that brought the great news. The news about that ceremony were broadcasted spontaneously.At the same time the Red and White flag flapped in Merdeka Palace, the song of Indonesia Raya reverberated and the yell ‘merdeka, merdeka, merdeka’ echoed in every corner of the country. That is why the palace were named Merdeka Palace.The first celebration of the Republic of Indonesia independence day were held in 1950 on 17 August at Merdeka Palace.
source :
Indonesian Department / Ministries
Coordinating Ministers
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs
Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare
Coordinating Minister for the Economy
Department of Religious Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs
Department of Culture and Tourism
Department of Home Affairs
Department of Justice and Human Rights
Department of Public Work
Department of Transportation
Department of Manpower and Transmigration
Department of Finance
Department of National Education
Department of Trade
Department of Energy and Mineral Resources
Department of Forestry
Department of Communication and Informatics
Department of Agriculture
Department of Health
Department of Defense
Department of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs
Department of Industry
Department of Social Services
State Ministers
State Minister for State Owned Enterprises
State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises
State Minister for the Environment
State Minister for Research and Technology
State Minister for Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency
State Minister for the Empowerment of State Apparatus
State Minister for Women Empowerment
State Minister for Acceleration Development Backward Regions
State Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs
State Minister for Public Housing
Ministerial Level Officials
Minister of the State Secretary
Cabinet Secretary
Attorney General
Chief of the Indonesian Military
Chief of the Indonesian Police
Indonesia's Profile
Indonesia is the world's archipelagic country, it has a total of 17.508 islands. Indonesia extends between 6 degree country, it was until 11 degree indonesia, and from 97 degree until 144 degree, also it is situated between two continents.i.e. Asia and Australia/Oceania. This strategic location has a significant influence towards its Culture, Social, Politics and Economy.Indonesia's territory extends along 3.977 mile between the indian ocean and the pacific ocean. If the coastal area between the islands be connected, Indonesia's area would become 1.9 million square miles.There are five large islands in indonesia, they are : Sumatera with an area of 473.606 square km, Java with an area of 132.107 square km, Borneo / Kalimantan (The third biggest island in the world) with an area of 539.460 square km, Sulawesi with an are of 189.216 square km, and Papua with an area of 421.981 square km.
The islands in Indonesia was formed in the Miocene Era (12 million years BC), Palaecene Era (70 million years BC), Eocene Era (30 million years BC) and Oligacene Era (25 million years BC). With the arrival of people from Asia, Indonesia was believed to have existed in the Pleistocene Era (4 million years BC).The islands were formed due to strong tectonic alterations in Australia and The Pacific.Therfore, this makes Indonesia to be one of the countries that often changes its geological area in the world. The mountains in the Indonesian islands number more than 400 volcanoes, of which 100 are still active.Indonesia suffers vibrations 3 times per day, earthquares occurs once a day, and a minimum of one volcano erupting per year.COUNTRY FOUNDATION
Pancasila is the philosophical foundation of indonesia, which comes from two sanscrit words "PANCA" meaning Five, and "SILA" meaning Principles.
1.The Belief in One God
2.Humanity which is Civil and Just
3.A United Indonesia
4.Wise Representation of Democracy
5.Social Justice for Every Indonesian Citizen
Indonesia is a Democratic country which is Governed by a presidential system and pancasila constitute the Principles underlying Democracy. Democracy founded upon the Five Principles is called Democracy Pancasila.The country's foundation was announced by President Soekarno (Indonesia's First President) at the republic of Indonesia's Independance Proclamation on the 17th of August 1945.
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Updated: 2007-10-13
Biography of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
President Yudhoyono is also an accomplished scholar. He was educated in the United States, where he received his Masters degree in Management from Webster University in 1991. He continued his study and earned a Doctorate Degree in Agricultural Economics from Bogor Institute of Agriculture, West Java, Indonesia, in 2004. President Yudhoyono was awarded with two honorary doctorates in 2005, respectively in the field of law from his alma mater, Webster University, and in political science from Thammasat University in Thailand.
During his 27-year distinguished military service, President Yudhoyono took an extensive range of training, education and courses, both in Indonesia and overseas. President Yudhoyono also held numerous important posts and positions as troop and territorial commander, staff officer, trainer and lecturer. He served both in the field and at headquarters, as well as missions overseas. He was the Commander of the United Nations Military Observers and Commander of the Indonesian Military Contingent in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1995-1996.
For his outstanding service, President Yudhoyono was decorated with 24 medals and awards, including the UNPKF Medal, the Bintang Dharma, the Bintang Mahaputera Adipurna and the Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna, the highest national medal for excellent service beyond the calls of duty.
Prior to being elected, President Yudhoyono held various important government positions, including Minister of Mining and Energy and Co-ordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs in the National Unity Cabinet under President Abdurrahman Wahid. He again served as Co-ordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs in the Gotong Royong Cabinet under President Megawati Soekarnoputri. It was in his capacity as Coordinating Minister that he became internationally recognized for leading Indonesia's counter-terrorism efforts.
President Yudhoyono is also known for his activities in various civil society organizations. He served as Co-Chairman of the Governing Board of the Partnership for the Governance Reform, a joint Indonesian-international organization focused on the improvement of governance in Indonesia. He also served as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Brighten Institute, an institution devoted to studying the theory and practice of national development policy.
President Yudhoyono is a keen reader and has authored a number of books and articles including: Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches (2005), Peace deal with Aceh is just a beginning (2005), The Making of a Hero (2005), Revitalization of the Indonesian Economy: Business, Politics and Good Governance (2002), and Coping with the Crisis - Securing the Reform (1999). Taman Kehidupan (Garden of Life) is his anthology published in 2004. President Yudhoyono speaks English fluently.
President Yudhoyono is a devoted Moslem. He is married to Madam Ani Herrawati. The first couple is blessed with two sons. The oldest is First Lieutenant Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, who graduated top in his class from the Military Academy in 2000 and is now serving at the elite 305th Airborne Battalion of the Army Strategic Reserves Command (KOSTRAD). The youngest, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, earned his degree in Economics from Curtin University, Australia.
8 February 2006
Bhineka Computer (Indonesian e-commerce)
Legal Name : Bhinneka Mentari Dimensi, PT
Address : Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 73C # 5-6Jakarta - Pusat, 10610Indonesia
Telephone : 62-21-4261617, 4229555
Facsimile : 62-21-4257787
Established Since : 1993
Line Of Business : Total IT Solution Specialize in Computer Hardware & Software Distribution
Authorized Distributor for : Roland Printing & Sign Making Machine, Numonics Digitizer, Caselogic Accessories, Meteor Video Systems, 2Wire ADSL modem, Extron PC.
Products Level Partnering :
- Microsoft Gold Partner for System Builder
MotherBoard Asus P5B-VM DO
The Intel vPro Technology allows IT organizations to remotely manage corporate PCs, even when they are powered off or with non-functional operating systems. It features the Intel® Active Management Technology and offers IT organizations a lighterweight form of virtualization to audit all Intel® AMT-based platforms in a network environment. PCs with Intel® vPro™ Technology allow IT departments to remotely retrieve assets and hardware/software inventories, contain security threats, resolve system problems, and increase the uptime of desktops with lower maintenance costs.
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Unilever Donates About 5000 of Its Products for Bengkulu and West Sumatera Quake Victims
28/09/2007 : PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. in collaboration with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Republika, Radio Delta and Yayasan Nurani Dunia provided aid in the form of 5,000 packages of Unilever products.
To help alleviate the suffering of earthquake victims in Bengkulu and West Sumatera, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. in collaboration with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Republika, Radio Delta and Yayasan Nurani Dunia provided aid in the form of 5,000 packages of Unilever products allocated for about 25,000 persons. The aid donated is in the form of daily needs very much needed by the public, among them are bath soap, toothpaste, tooth brush, shampoo and anti mosquito, and sarung and blankets.
“Unilever Indonesia’s vision is to become the main choice for consumers, customers and the public. As one of the realizations of this vision, we have an official agenda to support community development and to help those in need through corporate social responsibility / CSR. As a company that has grown and developed in Indonesia, it is only fitting that this public assistance and development becomes a matter that obtains huge attention,“ said Sinta Kaniawati, General Manager of Yayasan Unilever Peduli which is a nonprofit foundation under PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk.
”The quake disaster that occurred in early fasting (month) is very touching, at breaking fast time they had nothing to break their fast. Therefore, Unilever also donated 10,000 kilograms of dates and biscuits, and 10,000 bottles of mineral water,” added Sinta.
Maya Tamimi, Program Manager of Yayasan Unilever Peduli said, “The earthquake that occurred in Bengkulu had destroyed various public facilities such as masjid, schools, pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), and other public facilities. When we visited Bengkulu (17/9), we also channeled aid to residents in Pesantren Darunnaja. With the assistance we channeled, we expect to slightly alleviate the suffering of those hit by the disaster.”
In accord with Maya, Andhika Purbo S, Partnership Officer of ACT said, “Based on our observation in the field, there are still many areas yet to receive aid, among them Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera. The assistance they very much need now are: blankets, tents, genset (mobile power generators for lighting), mats, clean water, ready to serve food, the nine basic commodities (sembako), and medicines.“
Sinta said that the distribution or channeling of Unilever’s donations to the Bengkulu and West Sumatera residents is made possible owing to cooperation with partners, namely ACT, Republika, Radio Delta, and Yayasan Nurani Dunia. The donations have been handed over to the quake victims in stages since 16 September. ‘We appreciate very much the cooperation with the partners experienced in handling the distribution of assistance for quake victims. With such cooperation the aid can directly be quickly received by the Bengkulu and West Sumatera people/communities. Without the cooperation with experienced partners, it would be difficult for us to realize this aid. We are fully aware that the efforts conducted jointly would provide a greater impact for Bengkulu and West Sumatera residents,” said Sinta.
“For Jambi and Padang, Unilever Area Sales Managers (ASM) in both areas also lent a hand to coordinate with Yayasan Unilever Peduli in terms of product provisioning. In addition, we also obtain the full support of our local distributors for aid distribution,” added Sinta.
Indonesia :
PT Unilever IndonesiaGraha UnileverJalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav 15Jakarta 12930
T: +62 21 5299 6773 F: +62 21 526 2046
Best Word 1
But she can decide how to live her legacy, and then pass on her legacy to bless the world... through the next generation of hers."
Friday, October 12, 2007
Typical Employer Questions
When the employers asking you to come in their interviews, most of you become in convinience and less confidence, because you feel anxious wondering what kind of questions will be asked to you during the interview. Trying to make you more confident while preparing yourself for the interview sessions, we give you some secret questions that usually asked by the employer .
Typical Employer Questions:
Ensure that you know the exact time and location of the interview. Your recruitment consultant will provide you with a contact name and also a map of how to get there if required. Allow plenty of time in case of travel delays.
Q: Tell me about yourself? (Interviewer thinks: I want to hear you talk)
A: This is a conversation starter and is nearly always asked. Talk about your qualifications, career history and range of skills. Particularly emphasis those skills that are most relevant to the position on offer.
Q: Describe your achievements to date: (Interviewer thinks: Are you successful?)
A: Another common questions, so prepare beforehand. Select an achievement that is career related. Identify the
skills you used in this situation and quantify the benefit.
Q: Has your career met your expectations? (Interviewer thinks: Are you confident, happy, positive, ambitious?)
A: Answer must be a resounding "YES", however, if you feel you are moving too slowly, then give reasons for this. Qualify your answer.
Q: Tell me the most challenging situation you have faced recently and how you dealt with it? (Interviewer thinks: Are you logical? Do you show initiative? What's your definition of difficult?)
A: This is a trap question. To avoid it select a difficult work situation that was not caused by you, the options available, how you selected the appropriate one and why and how you resolved it and what the outcome was. Ensure that it is positive.
Q: What are your strengths? (Interviewer thinks: I hope you're honest, what have you got that's different? How can I use you in the team? What value will you add to the company?)
A: You are going to get asked this question, so there is no excuse for not being prepared. Discuss your main strengths. List three or four ways they could benefit your employer. Strengths to consider include technical proficiency, ability to learn quickly, determination, positive attitude and your ability to relate to people and work as a team. Provide examples and be prepared to back them up.
Q: What are your major weaknesses? (Interviewer thinks: I hope you're honest, what aren't you interested in?
What will you need help with? What's your self-awareness like.)
A: Don't say "none" - we all have. There are two options available when asked such a question - use a professional weakness such as lack of experience on your part in an area that is not essential to the job on offer. The second option is to describe a personal or professional weakness that could also be considered a strength and the steps that you have taken to combat this.
Q: What decisions do you find difficult to make? (Interviewer thinks: Are you decisive? Do you have a human side?)
A: Your answer must not display weakness. Focus on decisions that have to be made without sufficient information. This will show your positive side.
Q: Why are you leaving your current employer?
A: Should be a straightforward answer - looking for more challenge, responsibility and experience. DO NOT be negative in your reasons for leaving, positive reasons are better.
Q: How do you deal with confrontation? (Interviewer thinks: Are you strong? Can you admit you're wrong?)
A: Again - this is a trap question. Demonstrate that you're willing to listen, implement changes where necessary, but you have the courage of your convictions and will be firm when necessary
Q: Why do you want to work for this company? (Interviewer thinks: Are you prepared, knowledgeable? What's the image of the company externally?
A: Show you have researched into the firm's position in the market, what the company's strategy is, how long the particular department you are interviewing for has been around and what their corporate image is looking to project.
Secrets of a successful job interview
DO NOT show up for an interview unprepared! You need to impress the interviewer with your understanding of the business and a well thought-out argument as to why you are the best person for the job.
1. | Read everything you can on the company prior to your interview. |
2. | The company's website is an excellent resource for everything from product and service information to company structure and location. |
3. | If company is public, annual or quarterly reports are available. Perform a search of newspapers and trade publications for articles on the company. |
Practice Makes Perfect
Questions you may have to answer
Selling Yourself
Honesty is the Only Policy
Should I Ask about Salary?
Ending on a Positive Note
After the Interview
(taken from Newsweek on June edition 2000.)
5 law of successfull career seat
The following is just a short summary of the necessary steps to achieve job success. A good Career Development Plan will fill in the essential details to reach the goal of fulfilling your work potential.
- Be prepared to put in effort. The first law for anyone embarking on a new career search is that it takes effort. There is no shortcut, although many tools can make the task easier and quicker. But the key, is to remember there is a goal: fulfilling and rewarding work that could last a lifetime. What is it worth to put in effort now that will pay dividends in the years ahead? Experts say we could change our careers five times during our working lives. Which number are you on now? If this is your first, the second will be easier if you get the process right this time.
- Get to know yourself. We may need to take some form of aptitude test, interest inventory, or personality test to determine our aptitudes and abilities. These are the tools that make life much easier at this stage of your life, although they are no substitute for the effort required to fulfill the objective. They are a necessary part of the process.We need to know our strengths and weaknesses, interest areas, likes and dislikes, work environment preferences, stress factors, personality traits, social factors (how we respond in any given work-situation), and many more areas that can be discovered in taking an aptitude or personality questionnaire. Getting to know yourself is vital to take your unique personality and character, and match it up with suitable and appropriate work.
- Develop a career plan. Identify your next career steps. To start off, review the studies from No. 2. It is essential to know who you are, and what sort of job you're looking for. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else. Define the job objective clearly and concisely. Do you need further education or retraining? Where will you market yourself? Will you need to relocate to attain the job of your choice? You will need to prepare marketing tools (resume, cover letters, business cards); do you have a current resume that describes all of your experience and skills?
Don't forget that you are in control now. No more drifting into whatever comes along. You can say: This is what I want to do, and I'll move heaven and earth to get it! You need to write out a plan, mapping out logical steps leading from where you are now, to where you expect to be in six months, a year, five years.Another very important thing to consider at this stage, is whether you are prepared for obstacles. Life does not consist of smooth, straight roads devoid of bumps or corners. Get mentally prepared for the long haul, even though we may get lucky and secure the perfect position early on in your campaign. - Put your plans into action. Action requires self-discipline and organization. You are embarking upon a marketing campaign, to secure for yourself a position that will allow you to achieve your fullest potential in the job market. The steps mentioned in No. 3 need to be in place at this juncture.
Executing your plan now requires action. You need to employ drive -- prod yourself to accomplish your goals. Set targets to be achieved in a certain time frame. Do whatever is necessary to achieve the goal - Regularly review your career progress. This last step cannot be overemphasized. Review all the steps you have taken and assess whether or not you are on course or off track. Sometimes revision is necessary to meet the needs of both yourself and the job market.Getting feedback from potential employers can assist you in this very important area. Listening to feedback helps us to sharpen our efforts and be ready for action. Does your resume impress a human resources manager or hiring manager? Are your cover letters concise and to the point? Is your overall marketing strategy proving to be effective in securing interviews?Lastly, are you making sufficient progress in our plans, or do you need more support? Sometimes it helps to talk these things over with a professional counselor, or even a friend. An objective point of view helps you to see things from a different perspective, and can encourage us to literally launch ourselves into more action with tremendous energy. Never be put off by apparent lack of success. Persistence is the key here. Keep going, and a rewarding and fulfilling career can be yours.
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